March 27

April 21 At Home 1: Alphabet Photography

Hello my beautiful students!  I miss this fun and full of energy class so much.  As we begin activities from home, I thought it would be fun to do some digital photography.  Using your phone to take pictures is perfect if you do not have a camera.  I hope this will be fun for you because I will love looking at your photos!  If you have any questions, shoot me an email.  All my love, Frank

You have the challenge to find the letters of your name around your house or neighborhood.   You can either take a picture of the letter itself or of an object that you feel looks like a letter.  Once you have all of your letters, save the photos.  I will show you how to put them together using adobe spark.   First get Adobe Spark .  Set up account with your google account.  Once you have an adobe spark account and photos of your letters watch this


March 6

Post 20: Advertise Thurston

A good advertising plan should help the advertiser tell people about the
business, about the products and services for sale, and the benefits of buying
from your business. It should also build customer confidence, attract new
customers, keep present customers coming back and help make the business
profitable. To accomplish all these objectives is not an easy task.

You are going to advertise Thurston High School in a magazine ad completed in the program of your choice.  I do not care what you think of your school but you are being assigned to make it look awesome for any prospective customer.

  • Include the slogan Soar like an Eagle
  • Include our logo 
  • From the Communications file on the R drive (R drive, Thurston, Frankling, Communications) You can choose photos that make Thurston look like a pretty snazzy place to attend.  Please use at least 5 images.
  • On your advertisement, include this statement.  Recent test results show that students who start in South Redford and stay in South Redford over time perform far better than the state averages on the SAT and MME tests. We have much to offer for all interests,  from academics, nutrition, Sports, Board Game Club, Award winning music programs, and gardening to Mandarin Chinese language lessons, to field trips and much, much more! In short–we have something for you!
March 3

Post 19: Public Service Announcements

A public service announcement, or public service ad, is a message in the public interest  with the objective of raising awareness, changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social issue.


You are going to create a storyboard for your own PSA on

You will need a 6 box layout

Boxes 1-4   Scenario: Characters act out the problem (an issue important to your generation)  Distracted driving

  • Interacting with one or more passengers
  • Cell phone use
  • Looking at something outside the vehicle
  • Grooming

Box 5 Copy this text Researchers analyzed the six seconds leading up to a crash in nearly 1,700 videos of teen drivers and results showed that distraction was a factor in 58 percent of all crashes studied.

Box 6  Copy this text About 963,000 drivers age 16-19 were involved in police-reported crashes in 2018.  These crashes resulted in 383,000 injuries and 2,865 deaths.  NO DISTRACTION IS WORTH A DEATH.

March 2

Post 18: THS For Sale

This Ad popped up on craigslist.   It has a pool. It has what was described as “a world-class dining facility (with an extended stainless steel island countertop). It has a theater; two running tracks, one indoor, one outdoor; tennis courts, two basketball courts and a stadium. It also has more than 100 bedrooms and some 40 baths.  Create an Ad for Thurston High School as if you are selling the building as a future home for someone!  Describe its features in a paragraph (minimum)  Also, include some pics of it!  Students and Staff are not included!


February 28

Post 17: Product makeovers

Once upon a time, there was a show on MTV called Pimp my Ride.

They gave cars makeovers so they could be more showy or impressive.


  1.  Watch this video   how did they “pimp” out an old beater car?

2.  Have you ever seen some new product in the shops and thought, “I could have made one of those”?

  • Have you ever modified something to make it work just a bit better? That’s inventing.
  • Have you ever thought of a use for some piece of junk which meant it became useful again? That’s inventing too.










This is Kaiser.  I love my dog!  As we are talking about product makeovers, I began to think about a dog house makeover for my best friend.  Research “pimped out” dog houses on google images.

  • You are going to come up with a design for the best dog house ever.
  • You are going to create a billboard advertisement for your product.
  • Come up with a name for your dog house company, a logo, and a slogan.
  • Describe the exterior your dog houses.  Use lots of details to describe the house.
  • Next research the things you will include for the inside.  INCLUDE AT LEAST 10 pictures of what you will put inside.  Dog dishes, toys, bed, etc. .
  • The Grade for this assignment will be an assessment grade!  Make sure you spell everything correctly and that your advertisement looks professional and eye catching.  It must be in Adobe Illustrator.

February 27

Post 16: Children and their “shows”

Right now, Kids love YouTube. They love the pinging of the xylophones in the upbeat “Thank you song” on CoCoMelon, a channel with more than 53 million subscribers that plays animated nursery rhymes. They love watching other kids open and test toys, as they do on Ryan ToysReview (subscriber count: 20,749,585). And they love the Baby Shark song. Possibly because of the fun dance moves and possibly because they want to drive adults crazy.

But seriously?  What about watching shows on the television like the good ol’ days?

Yesterday (haha just kidding…snowdays x 2), you made a flyer promoting old school toys in Adobe illustrator.  Today, I want you to do the same but I want you to call it “Old School Shows”

  • Create a title:  Old School Shows.  Apply a type effect.
  • Create a text box with a quick blurb on why old school shows are better than what these young un’s are watching on you tube
  • Include at least 10 photos of some old school shows.